We have opened a new art gallery at Independence Mall, Suite 89, 1601 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803.
To view more of my more recent work go to

We have opened a new art gallery at Independence Mall, Suite 89, 1601 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803.
To view more of my more recent work go to
This installation piece based upon Edward Muybridge’s photographs was exhibited in 2019 at the Delaware Contemporary.10_Nude_Descending_Ascending
In 1897 Edward Muybridge produced a time lapse set of images of a woman descending a staircase that was one of the inspirations for Marcel Duchamp’s painting in 1912, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2. In my work, I have been interested in using motion to describe the spiritual journey that we all are a part of. This work continues that exploration.
I started working on this project at least 2 years ago. We saw “The Dancers” by Degas at the NGA. I started thinking about how to interpret his composition in a new way. I worked with Anoush Anou for a day to develop a series of long exposures to mimic the dance positions in the painting. The original plan was to exhibit multiple layers as positives, ed but after building a maquette, I realized that negatives worked better. In May Anoush Anou returned, and we worked on a video using the same poses, which I put into a 4 minute slo -mo loop. Each panel is 8 by 12 feet, It was a major undertaking to design, print, rig, and install. If you are in Delaware stop by this July to see it.
I finally finished this book which recreates my exhibit at the Biggs Museum of American Art this past year. You can purchase a copy at http://www.blurb.com/b/6410870-the-line-of-beauty
This exhibit was supported by my Masters Artist Fellowship awarded by the State of Delaware.
We have been visiting Kauai for 20 years, discount look and always stay at the Hanalei Colony Resort. 5 years ago I started thinking about how to use this stone shelf at the water’s edge using light painting in the dark. I finally was able to work on the series last month with the talented Airin Aquarius. The exposures are about 3 minutes to bring up the moonlight on the water and sky. The rocks and model are lit with a flash light from various directions.
Special thanks to my able assistant, generic Patt.
I had the privilege to work with Anoush Anou this fall. We traveled to Frolic Weymouth’s estate “Big Bend”. While I was setting up my tripod, thumb mind she without my input braided her hair. I said nothing at the time, for sale went ahead with the shoot, and after we moved to a different space, she unbraided her hair. Being from New Zealand, she does not know about Andrew Wyeth and his Helga series of figurative paintings, where Helga’s hair is almost always braided. Wyeth’s studio was just up the road from where we were working, and he spent a lot of time at Big Bend over the years. His presence in the Brandywine Valley continues to influence us. Anyway it was an amazing moment in a day full of magic.